My supplement routine.

I have put together some information on why I take the supplements I do. Yes, I am a big believer in getting your essentials from food, however in today’s world our body does need some extra assistance.

Here is what I take.

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Nac is my all-time favourite supplement (an amino acid) which has many different health benefits including: Assistance to replenish glutathione (an antioxidant produced in cells) levels in the body, recovery of muscle function and brain health, among many other health benefits. Because Nac helps to create the antioxidant “glutathione” and is an antioxidant on its own it acts as an extremely strong defence to the immune system and overall health. I have been taking Nac for over 3 years everyday due to the health concerns in our current world, I can safely say (touch wood) that my health and immune system has never been better.


Like Nac Quercetin also has many different health benefits and is another absolute favourite supplement I have taken for many years.

is a strong anti-inflammatory, assists the adrenal system (fight or flight response) treating the nervous system, reduces allergy symptoms to assist with the immune system, creates a less likely chance of developing dementia and Alzheimer's by fighting oxidative damage to your brain cells, supports healthy aging, again just to name a few.

Now my absolute favourite, STACKING: Quercetin and Nac together as a stack:

Antioxidant supplements are used to combat oxidative stress (this is the term used when your body is suffering of damage from free radicals). Free radicals are a natural stage of the aging process however free radicals from external (un-natural) effects will cause the overwhelming level of oxidative stress. This can be from air pollution, radiation, toxic chemicals and cigarette smoke, for examples.

This can lead to fatigue, fine lines and wrinkles (OH NO), Grey hair, headaches, immune system function, memory problems, muscle pain, damaged eyesight, just to name a few.

Antioxidants will assist in breaking down these free radicals for your body to eliminate. Unfortunately, because of the amount of toxins and external factors present in today’s world, the antioxidants that our body naturally produces is not enough to assist in this elimination.

This is where supplements like stacking Nac and Quercetin become extremely beneficial.

Switch vitality all greens:

I personally mix my nac and quercetin with my all greens powder (well because nac and quercetin do not taste very nice LOL), but also so this makes sure I take them every day. I hear time and time again people forgetting to take their supplements, so this helps to ensure all 3 are taken every day, and with this blend is actually tastes very nice.

This wonderful supplement contains 33 ingredients; a blend of organic, spray free greens (high levels of again antioxidants, vitamins and minerals), organic mushroom blend to assist all vital systems, digestive enzyme blend, wild caught sustainable marine collagen that assists with gut health. Well I mean if all those reasons aren’t enough to start taking this supplement I am not sure what is. As you can see by my 3 stack (nac, quercetin, vitality switch) you can see I LOVE my antioxidants. And seriously in today’s world they couldn’t be more important!

Cyborg collagen pro:

I personally have dealt with gut health issues in the past (which is how I discovered my practice of Ayurvedic medicine). For this reason, I am always looking after my gut health and sourcing the easiest digestive products I can find. Cybrog collagen pro is exactly that, made from Hydrolyzed Collagen Peptides (HCP), making the protein source extremely gentle on the gut. Collagen also assists with healthy joints, skin and nails. However, one point to make is that even though collegeon proteins are my absolute go to they are naturally lower in BCAAS missing the essential amino acid “tryptophan”. Which is why I am always recommending Cyborg Collagen “PRO” as this amino acid has been added.

So there you go, do yourself a favour and start stacking:

  • Nac “Switch”
  • Quercetin “Switch”
  • “Switch” vitality all greens
  • “Cyborg” collegeon PRO

Trust me you will not look back.

Melissa Miragaia.

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